Ciff Kids

Copenhagen, June 18-20 2023

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text Enrico Fragale Esposito


København, vi kommer! ✈️ The first stop for the SS24 trade fair season is the Danish capital. We can’t wait to immerse ourselves in the Scandi world of Ciff Kids where we will not only get a preview of upcoming fashion trends, but as we very often do, discover very interesting decor, toys and beauty brands.


The focus on environmental issues is a feature shared by all the brands present at the fair and we like it a lot.


And then how happy we are to be able to walk around Copenhagen in the middle of summer with the sun setting late at night.


Follow us to discover the new prints from Molo and Christina Rhode, the new styles from Angulus and Bisgaard, the novelties at Petites Pommes and much more…

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Bella Center, 5 Center Blv