Ligne Noire Enfants SS23
The Dreamers

text Enrico Fragale Esposito
Have you ever felt like reliving the atmosphere of old times through a film? To this feeling made of nostalgia and romanticism, Davide Guglielmin has dedicated the new Ligne Noire Enfants collection.
The inspiration comes from two iconic movies, Call Me By Your Name and The Hand of God, which recount pieces of Italy from the 1980s that no longer exists, made up of endless summers and legends like Maradona.
Those moments, dear to Davide’s childhood, are explored in a new summer collection, which ingredients are pastel colours and checks, versatile designs and high-quality fabrics. The Dreamers is an exploration of love and fantasy, with an Italian touch.
Photo: Annarella Caruso
Styling: Petra Barkhof