N°4 - Summer 2020

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April, 9, 2020

Like the past editions, this issue has a topic too: Animals.
On the cover there is a beautiful mask handmade by a talented artist but also the stamp Not The Right Mask. There are much more important masks we have to wear these days and we do not want to forget that. Nor we do want to ignore the tragic situation we live. Our hope is to bring some comfort and lightness to those who read us from home. With the imagination we will take you up to the mountains, to a farm in California, to the home of two brothers in Spain, back in time with the figures of an eclectic illustrator and a reportage shot in 1956 for Life magazine.
We will make you play, draw, we will tell you stories and many news. You will find animals everywhere and a lot of love. Remember, stay safe, stay home but do not stop hoping and smiling.

Cover photo Clara Melchiorre
Styling Francesca Bisceglia